Pensions and Divorce mediation

Going through a divorce, or separation, is one of the most stressful things that you can possibly undertake. MIAMS Family Mediation Greater London can help. Contact us today and speak to an accredited mediator.

pensions divorce

MIAMS Greater London Pensions Divorce

The consequences on pensions in divorce

Divorce is never easy, especially when it comes to dividing valuable assets such as the amount of pension. Pensions can represent a significant portion of a couple’s wealth, and ensuring a fair division is crucial for both parties future financial security. MIAMS Mediation will guide you through the complexities of divorce and pension mediation, highlighting the importance of mediation, the steps involved, and the various considerations you need to keep in mind.

Understanding Divorce and Pension Mediation

Divorce and pension mediation is a specialised process where a neutral family mediator assists divorcing couples in negotiating the division of pension assets. Unlike court proceedings, mediation Greater London focuses on collaboration and mutual agreement, providing a less adversarial and often more cost-effective approach.

Pensions & Divorce What To Consider

Pensions are often one of the most valuable assets a couple possesses, alongside the family home and property. MIAMS Mediation Greater London  helps ensure that these assets are divided fairly, considering both parties’ financial circumstances and future needs. By reaching an agreement through mediation, couples can avoid the time, expense, and emotional strain of court battles.

The Mediation Process for Pensions

The mediation process for pensions typically involves several key steps:

  1. Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM): The process begins with a MIAM, where you meet with a family mediator to discuss the mediation process and determine if it’s suitable for your situation. This meeting is crucial for understanding the benefits and procedures of mediation.

  2. Financial Disclosure: Both parties must provide full financial disclosure. This includes details about all pension schemes (such as state pensions, final salary pensions, and NHS pensions), as well as other financial information like savings, investments, and the value of the family home. Accurate financial disclosure is essential for a fair division of assets.

  3. Mediation Sessions: During mediation sessions, the mediator facilitates discussions on the division of pension assets. Topics covered include:

    • Pension Sharing Orders: Dividing the pension assets between both parties, resulting in separate pension pots.
    • Pension Earmarking: Allocating a portion of one party’s future pension payments to the other.
    • Pension Offsetting: One party retains their pension, while the other receives assets of equivalent value, such as a lump sum from the sale of the family home.
  4. Memorandum of Understanding: Once an agreement is reached, the mediator drafts a Memorandum of Understanding. This document outlines the agreed terms and can be used to create a legally binding court order, ensuring the agreement is enforceable.

pensions divorce

MIAMS Greater London Pensions Divorce


MIAMS mediation Greater London is a process where a neutral family mediator helps divorcing couples negotiate the division of pension assets. This specialised mediation focuses on ensuring fair and equitable distribution of pensions, which can be a significant part of the marital estate.

Pensions often represent a substantial portion of a couple’s assets. Mediation provides a platform for both parties to discuss and agree on how these assets should be divided. This can help avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings and ensure that both parties’ retirement needs are considered.

  1. Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM): This initial meeting with a family mediator provides an overview of the mediation process and assesses whether it is suitable for your situation.

  2. Disclosure of Pension Information: Both parties must provide full disclosure of all pension assets, including state, workplace, and private pensions.

  3. Mediation Sessions: During mediation sessions, the mediator facilitates discussions to help the parties reach an agreement on how to divide pension assets. These discussions can cover issues such as pension sharing orders, pension offsetting, and other arrangements.

  4. Memorandum of Understanding: Once an agreement is reached, the mediator drafts a Memorandum of Understanding, summarizing the agreed terms. This document can be used to create a legally binding consent order.

Q: What types of pension arrangements can be ma

During mediation, several types of pension arrangements can be discussed, including:

  • Pension Sharing Orders: Dividing the pension assets between both parties, creating separate pension pots.
  • Pension Offsetting: One party retains their pension, and the other receives assets of equivalent value (such as property or savings).
  • Attachment Orders: A portion of one party’s pension benefits is paid to the other party when the pension comes into payment.

Yes, it’s advisable for both parties to seek independent legal advice during mediation. Legal professionals can help understand the implications of various pension arrangements and ensure that the agreement is fair and legally sound.

If an agreement cannot be reached through mediation, the next step may involve making a court application. The court will then decide on the division of pension assets. It’s worth noting that mediation is often more cost-effective and less adversarial than court proceedings.


To start the mediation process, contact our MIAMs Mediation Team. During this meeting, you can discuss your needs and learn more about how out mediation can help with the division of pension assets.

Divorce and pension mediation is an essential part of the divorce process, ensuring a fair settlement of valuable assets like pension schemes. By engaging in this voluntary and collaborative approach, couples can reach a legally binding agreement that addresses the true value of any pension, cash equivalent transfer value (CETV), and other critical financial information. 

The mediation process, covers various types of pension arrangements, including pension sharing orders, earmarking, and offsetting. This ensures that the future income and financial stability of both parties are considered. Legal aid may be available to help with mediation costs, making it accessible even for those on a low income. Ultimately, this process helps achieve a clean break and a fair agreement, minimizing the emotional and financial strain associated with court proceedings. For more information or to begin the mediation process, contact MIAMS Mediation Greater London today to discuss your options.